Intuitive Eating, Yoga, Gentle Fitness & Menopause Blog

Harnessing the Power of Chakras: A Path to Body Love

The importance of anchoring Body Positivity into your Body Love journey

Breaking free from body shame: Forgiveness as a key to body love

Why decluttering is essential for Body Love

Setting an intention for Body Love – the essential first step
Revolutionise Your Relationship with Your Body: The Power of The Body Love Method

Creating Balance in Life Through Yoga Without doing a Single Tree Pose

3 reasons why I’m doing a 365 days of yoga challenge

Endometriosis Awareness Month: what you should know even if you don’t have endo

What Selena Gomez’s TikTok can teach Gen Xers about body shaming, living with an autoimmune disease, and kindness.

4 unexpected ways that being on a diet can negatively impact your health.

Diet Culture Takedown - the one where I respond to a troll

An apology to my past clients for promoting diet culture

Are you getting basic self-care?

3 ways your body image was ruined by diet culture in the 1990s & 2000s

Reflections on a year of self-care

4 questions to ask yourself to determine if you already practicing intuitive eating

All I want for Christmas is… an end to self-objectification

Book Review: “Stay Awake” by Megan Goldin

Is intuitive eating the best new healthy habit for you in 2023?
Start your journey
Get in touch if you’d like to learn more about my classes, retreats or private coaching.