Intuitive Eating, Yoga, Gentle Fitness & Menopause Blog

Yoga for post-covid or other illness recovery

My before & after photos and how my body image improved after I gained weight

Book Review: “After I do” by Taylor Jenkins Reid

No more cheat days for me, I prefer intuitive eating

Book Review: “Getting Clean with Stevie Green” by Swan Huntley

Is this the solution to your body image issues?

How to get a workaholic, people-pleasing, perfectionist yoga teacher to rest

How I got a body like Jennifer Aniston: A fable

10 lessons from 10 years in the health & fitness industry

3 reasons to switch to gentle exercise (and how to do it)

How privilege impacts your health and weight

3 nuances about being anti-diet

3 life lessons I learned from these Drag Queens

What I had to give up in order to transform my life

The future of fitness (especially for us plus-sized peeps)

How nightly rituals can change everything

My current healthy lifestyle goal and how one hour a week is making life easier

How I started exercising again after a 4.5 year break (and how you can too)

3 exercises to boost your confidence (no sweat required)

The work/life balance myth
Start your journey
Get in touch if you’d like to learn more about my classes, retreats or private coaching.