Intuitive Eating, Yoga, Gentle Fitness & Menopause Blog

Do you need to be spiritual to be healthy?

Why giving in to your cravings does not make you a lazy b*tch

Love yourself to health (because you deserve it)

My daily* habits and why they work (*I do them most days)

Behind the scenes update!

It’s the waning moon - what’s the best self-care right now?

How morning rituals reduce stress

9 facts about meditation to make it a daily practice

The 5 types of exercise for body, mind & spirit

How to use chakra energy to create fitness goals you ACTUALLY want to do

My new moon intention setting ritual and how it helps me stick to my fitness goals

My favourite workout gear and why it’s important to wear things you love

Getting back into exercise? - Here's 3 things you should do, and 2 that you shouldn't!

10 workout ideas for the different phases of the moon.

4 ways moon mapping helps you to live your best life! (Mind, Body & Spirit)

3 Steps to Get Fitter/Healthier/Smarter/Richer Before the End of The Year

9 Random Facts About Me

Feeling overwhelmed? - Try this one simple thing

My 5 favourite self-development books and the #1 lessons I learned from each

How to create your personalised self-care daily rituals
Start your journey
Get in touch if you’d like to learn more about my classes, retreats or private coaching.