Intuitive Eating, Yoga, Gentle Fitness & Menopause Blog

How (& why) I “easily” gave up my daily chocolate fix

Why I Offer Sliding Scale Pricing for Health Coaching and Intuitive Eating Counselling
Revolutionise Your Relationship with Your Body: The Power of The Body Love Method

An apology to my past clients for promoting diet culture

Are you getting basic self-care?

Reflections on a year of self-care

4 questions to ask yourself to determine if you already practicing intuitive eating

Is intuitive eating the best new healthy habit for you in 2023?

My before & after photos and how my body image improved after I gained weight

No more cheat days for me, I prefer intuitive eating

10 lessons from 10 years in the health & fitness industry
Start your journey
Get in touch if you’d like to learn more about my classes, retreats or private coaching.