Intuitive Eating, Yoga, Gentle Fitness & Menopause Blog

The power of “this too shall pass”

The MHT (HRT) debate: a health coach's perspective on menopause care

Physical activity is essential for perimenopause - here’s how to start today

Celebrating 5 years of Bali yoga retreats

Yoga might just get you “through the week”

5 essentials for women facing peri & post menopause

I don’t look the same as I did 10 years ago (and nor should I!)

“It feels like everyone hates me” - why I became my own health coach this week

Why people fart during yoga (and how to manage it)

Is yoga pretentious?

Body love (& shame) in Bali

I left my all yoga pants in Albany - and here’s 3 reasons why it’s okay.

Love it or hate it, ageing is inevitable (and yoga can help)

Yoga and sobriety - a match made in happiness (for me)

How sharing our imperfections paves the way to acceptance

Is kindness our superpower?

Why, as a yoga teacher, I welcome mansplaining (well, sort of)

TMI for my yoga students?

Harnessing the Power of Chakras: A Path to Body Love

The importance of anchoring Body Positivity into your Body Love journey
Start your journey
Get in touch if you’d like to learn more about my classes, retreats or private coaching.