7-day Challenge

Learn to do a 60 second plank in 7 days.

This challenge will include options for ALL fitness levels, even if you can’t get up and down from the floor easily.

Over 7 the days you’ll learn:

  1. Why core strength is so important for your physical AND mental health

  2. Why planks are one of the most effective core exercises

  3. How to do a plank safely no matter your fitness level - I’ll make it harder or easier, whatever you are looking for!

Your health & fitness is arguably the most important thing in your life.

Doing regular exercise is the best way to get healthy and starting with 7 days of exercise is the first step. I can’t wait to lead you through this free challenge.

Your Host

I’m Emma Polette, your new Workout Coach. After years of having my self-esteem battered by the corporate boys club while dealing with Stage 4 endometriosis, I ditched my six-figure corporate career in Sydney and moved to Albany, Western Australia in 2012 to start my multi-passionate business. I am a personal trainer, yoga teacher, reiki master, mindfulness coach and creator of the certified body love coach program, The Body Love Academy. As I like to say, I’m a woman with a big belly and a big heart and I’m on a mission to help women ditch diet culture, make peace with food and start to treat their bodies with respect.