Finally, an exercise program you’ll actually love to do
We all know we should be exercising. It keeps our hearts healthy, our bodies mobile and it can support our mental health. Plus “they” say 150 minutes a week is the sweet spot (that’s 30 minutes exercise 5 days a week). But I haven’t come across an exercise program that kept me motivated over the long term lately… have you?
Well… that’s about to change
Here’s the problem with most exercise programs:
They take a very masculine approach – “no pain no gain” etc
They don’t consider fluctuations in hormones, mood, or energy levels
They don’t take a holistic approach for body, mind, and spirit
I bet you’ve tried the gym, group fitness, a personal trainer and maybe even online programs and apps. But every time you start a program, something comes up to stop you – an injury, a family crisis, bad weather, an instructor who can’t remember what it was like to not have a 6-pack.
You know you want to feel fitter, more mobile, more confident, but walking around the block every few days isn’t enough… you want more but you don’t want to hit the gym (been there, done that, got the bank statements).
Plus, those younger, skinnier instructors don’t inspire you anymore, they just make you feel old, tired, and unfit (or is that just me??)
Back in my late 30’s, all I ever wanted was to lose the last 5 kilos. No matter how much I lost, I still wanted more. And that’s where my love/hate relationship with exercise began. I loved going to the gym at 5.30am (that’s what I told myself anyway) and it felt good to get strong and fit. But then I’d get injured, or I’d be away a lot for work, and I’d skip a few sessions. I’d start to hate my body again, so I’d get myself back to the gym as soon as possible. This pattern even inspired me to become a personal trainer.
But here’s the thing – it just wasn’t sustainable.
I was also battling endometriosis and at age 43 I had a full hysterectomy and became post-menopausal overnight. A post-menopausal body is not the same as a late 30’s body, believe me!
Over time I gained weight, my joints became sore, and I just didn’t have the same energy levels as I once had. Besides teaching classes and walking my dog, exercise for my own health & fitness completely disappeared. FOR FOUR YEARS!! I’d start exercise plans with optimism only to stop the next week because I just didn’t feel like I could do it… I felt tired, sore, old, and heavy.
While I was struggling with my physical self-care, my mental & spiritual self-care were on fire! I was meditating regularly, journaling, using oracle cards for inspiration and following the phases of the moon. These practices had boosted my confidence and my mental health and helped me love my body in a way I had never done before. I finally appreciated it for all that it does for me rather than for how it looked. But I was still frustrated with myself for not exercising because as a fitness professional I know how important exercise is for reducing the likelihood of chronic illnesses like Type II diabetes and staving off osteoporosis.
Then I had an epiphany… what if I combined my personal training & yoga teacher knowledge with my love of all things spiritual self-care? I started to exercise in line with the phases of the moon – gentle exercise during the new & waning phases and stronger routines during the waxing & full phases. It felt natural and best of all, do-able!
And so I created this…
The 8-week moon phase workout program!
A beautiful combination of physical and spiritual self-care that will help you get back into exercise on your terms in a supportive and feminine way.
What People Are Saying
My poor body, I’ve neglected it so much… onwards and upwards! Thank you for making this available, Emma. If your first video was anything to go by I’m loving it!
— 10 week exercise for body love challenge participant
I want to share how much I am in love with Emma’s gentle, practical , no BS, gyms, slimming shakes, flogging your body until you vomit or sitting like a pretzel in the corner approach to health & wellbeing which is so refreshing and real. Her own health journey is an inspiration.
— Gail
Here’s how following the moon phases supports your workouts
UNDERSTANDING YOUR EBBS & FLOWS & PLANNING ACCORDINGLY - the problem with traditional workout program is that they expect your energy levels to be HIGH all. the. time. And the moon shows us this is not possible. This program’s workouts will have varying intensity levels in line with the moon so you don’t have to be 100% every day.
CULTIVATING COMPASSION - the moon shows us its not possible to shine brightly every day (night) but that doesn’t mean it gives up!! Following the phases of the moon allows us to be compassionate when we have low energy or having an off day and that we can shine brightly next time.
HARNESSING THE MOON’S FEMININE ENERGY - for millennia humans have worked with the energy of the moon to create rituals that support setting goals and releasing negativity. In this program we’ll harness this energy to support your health & fitness goals.
P.S. You don’t need to workout at night! The moon is there 24/7 and the energy is always surrounding us.
You’ll get
🌝 A weekly exercise plan based on the phases of the moon so that you can tap into your natural energy levels and actually want to exercise!
🌝 We’ll set intentions during the new moon phase so that we can harness the manifesting power of the moon to make your exercise goals a reality.
🌝 And we’ll practice a forgiveness and release ritual during the full moon to let go of thoughts & habits that are holding us back.
🌝 You’ll be part of a community of like-minded women who want to harness spirituality alongside their physical self-care to supercharge results.
🌝 You’ll receive a library of exercise videos and meditations that match the different moon phases so you’ll never wonder what exercise you should be doing.
🌝 Plus, women local to Albany are invited to join our in-person exercise group to get additional accountability.
🌝 And starting Monday 28th March all workouts will be live on Zoom so that you can join us no matter where you are!
Here’s what to expect:
New Moon phase – will include an intention setting online workshop plus meditations and yoga sessions
Waxing moon phase – will include cardio, body weight and yoga sessions to boost confidence and increase energy
Full Moon phase – will include grounding weight-based exercises plus a forgive and release online workshop to let go of any bad habits or negative beliefs that are holding you back
Waning Moon phase – will include gentle yoga and nature walks to help you wind down towards the new moon
You will be part of the program for 2 moon cycles to give yourself time to tap into the energy of the moon and integrate it into your self-care practices.
8 weekly payments
Payments start when you purchase the program and will run for 8 consecutive weeks
Pay up front
You receive a $25 discount when you choose to pay up front.
What People Are Saying
Emma’s online training allows me to exercise from the comfort of my own home. She’s a down-to-earth coach who works on physical and mental well-being and her approach works!
— Fiona
“I truly believe this group and your wisdom is helping me change my life in so many amazing ways, it is overwhelming to describe. ”
— Current Moon Phases participant
What’s included:
- 8 x Weekly emails outlining the phases of the moon for that week and suggested workouts
- 2 x new moon intention setting online workshops
- 2 x full moon forgive and release online workshops
- A library of over 20 different workout ideas – including videos and audios, to use throughout the program, with more being added all the time
- A dedicated online membership area where recordings of all live sessions will be uploaded
- Access to a group chat where you can ask questions, and I can give updates
- If you live in Albany, you can join our in-person 30-minute sessions on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 6.45am
- Starting Monday 28th March all of the workouts will be online via Zoom on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 6.45am so you can join us live no matter where you are
- It starts Thursday 3rd March 2022 (New Moon in Pisces) - live workouts start Monday 7th March.
8 weekly payments
Payments start when you purchase the program and will run for 8 consecutive weeks
Pay up front
You receive a $25 discount when you choose to pay up front.
I’m Emma Polette,
your new Workout Coach
After years of having my self-esteem battered by the corporate boys club while dealing with Stage 4 endometriosis, I ditched my six-figure corporate career in Sydney and moved to Albany, Western Australia in 2012 to start my multi-passionate business. I am a personal trainer, yoga teacher, reiki master and creator of the certified body love coach program, The Body Love Academy. As I like to say, I’m a woman with a big belly and a big heart and I’m on a mission to help women love themselves more every day.
You have questions, I have answers
What if I’m in a different time zone to you, or you’re on a different schedule?
Most of the resources are pre-recorded so you can access them any time. All of the live sessions will be recorded and added to the dedicated online membership area. You’ll have access to me in the chat and I’ll answer all questions within 24 hours.
What if I haven’t exercised in ages?
All the sessions are relatively gentle. We start during the new moon so the recommended workouts are really simple and nourishing and we build to more intense workouts at the program develops. You might expect to feel sore for a couple of days after some workouts but it won’t last long and by the end of 8 weeks you probably won’t get sore at all.
Do I need any special equipment?
It’s good to have a yoga mat and maybe a kettle bell or dumbbell. Most of the workouts use body weight and alternatives can be found if you don’t want to buy equipment.
What if I get sick or injured?
Please get in touch if this happens. Occasionally this can actually be a mindset thing that is holding you back. But if you are unable to complete the program I may be able to offer a partial refund if you can supply a doctor’s certificate. Please remember you will be able to download the program materials so you can keep doing the program in your own time.
Please note that that these activities involve a risk of injury and that when you join the program you are voluntarily participating in these activities with full knowledge, understanding and appreciations of the dangers involved.
Here’s why you need to join Moon Phase workouts:
“The best time to start an exercise routine was yesterday, the next best time is today”
It’s time for a bit of tough love.
I want you to picture where you want to be by the end of 2022 … your health, your fitness, your stress levels
Let me ask you this…
Do you honestly believe that if you continue to take the same steps as you are right now that you will be where you want to be?
The answer is NO.
The only way to get a different result is to do things differently and the longer you wait to get started, the longer it will take for you to get where you want to be.
I hope to see you in the program :)